We are in a battle for the soul of the nation. It is VITAL that we teach the next generation how to preserve the freedom and liberty that men sacrificed their lives for. It requires constant vigilance and active participation on our part. Preserving freedom and liberty is an ongoing responsibility and commitment that honors past sacrifices while serving as a gift to future generations.
By presenting ideas and challenges in a game format, players of the Matrix of Liberty Board Game are more likely to retain information, enjoy the learning process and discover the values and principles it took to create a free society, one grounded in liberty.
With Faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob coupled with Morality found in the Word of God, followed by the rule of Law and a Biblical Education we can have Liberty!
The Matrix of Liberty is "the only successful strategy of Liberty that has ever been carried out in the history of mankind." Dr. Marshall Foster
President Ronald Reagan said,
“Freedom is never more than ONE generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
“The education of our youth is an employment of more consequence than making laws or preaching the gospel, because it lays the foundation for which both law and gospel rest for success.” Noah Webster
The Matrix of Liberty Board Game is unlike ANY other on the market! The game is 100% American made, printed on-demand upon order, and NOT mass produced in a foreign country.
Each game comes with an 8", 3D printed game piece, a mini replica of the original National Monument to the Forefathers fundraising model!
The Matrix of Liberty Board Game, for 2 - 4 players, takes an average of 40 minutes of play time. The game can be made even more competitive with up to 4 TEAMS of players who help their teammates answer questions earning them additional 'barter' cards that will give an advantage over their opponents!
The Matrix of Liberty Board Game is suitable for a wide range of ages and can be enjoyed by both children, from 12 years of age, and adults alike. The fact that younger children have enjoyed playing the game shows that it is easy enough to understand and play, while the positive feedback from the older players suggest that the game is informative and engaging. Overall, the Matrix of Liberty Board Game is a great game for family game night or educational purposes.
Reportedly, 9-year-old triplets exclaimed that they "Love the game!" While a 10-year-old asked to play the game again immediately after winning the first go-around!
A 70+ year old player expressed how he was surprised to learn things he hadn't previously known!
"That was a FUN game, I would definitely recommend buying it!" 10 yrs old
"I Loved the way it stimulated the brain and you had to use critical thinking to answer some of the questions. That was the most fun I've had all week!" 15 yrs old
($15.00 shipping)
The Matrix of Liberty Board game is a fun and educational game for all age 'readers' bringing awareness to the Christian principles and values that made this nation the freest, most benevolent nation the world has ever known! Contact us with questions matrixofliberty@yahoo.com
The Matrix of Liberty Board Game is Printed on Demand.
Please allow approx. 2 - 3 weeks for production and delivery.
Copyright © 2019 The Matrix of Liberty - All Rights Reserved.
The Matrix of Liberty is endorsed and/or carried by the Plymouth Rock Foundation, Pilgrim Hall Museum, Plymouth County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Providence Foundation, Jenney House Museum, Creation Xpo Museum, Foundation for American Christian Education, and American Heritage Girls.
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