FREE resource for Patriotic parents of 1st-6th graders!!
Liberty Bible Club, is a FREE resource that includes ideas for games, crafts, songs, skits, and provided lessons that promote a love for God and country. Children will learn about the history of America, the importance of freedom, and how to be good citizens while also growing in their faith and understanding of Christian values. This program is perfect for spring break, summer camps, church groups, homeschool co-ops, and any other group looking to provide a meaningful and enjoyable experience for children. Join us in celebrating our Faith and our country with this exciting and FREE VBS program!!
Download the PDF to view and interact with the 'sticky notes' found on each page.
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The Matrix of Liberty is endorsed and/or carried by the Plymouth Rock Foundation, Pilgrim Hall Museum, Plymouth County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Providence Foundation, Jenney House Museum, Creation Xpo Museum, Foundation for American Christian Education, and American Heritage Girls.
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